Task us


Delivering the right imagery for your workflows, when you need it.

Upload your shapefiles or select an area on the map for a quote. When the area is selected click the Export All Areas button to download a file and add it to your form submission.

Draw a polygon and calculate its area

Double-click the map or select the first polygon point to finish

Export Area

Detailed Instructions

  1. Select the in the top right corner of the map above
  2. Click once to begin drawing your area
  3. Move the cursor and click for your next point
  4. Continue to move the cursor and click to add your points
  5. To end your shape simply double click on the last point
  6. Export your drawn area by clicking the ‘Export Area’ button
  7. To delete the area and start again, click the in the top right corner of the map above.
  8. Upload the exported file to the form field “Shapefile Upload” at the bottom.